Who is Chloé V?

Chloe' Washington, known as Chloé V, was born and raised on the Westbank of New Orleans, Louisiana. Since she was a little girl she has always loved artistic expression. She attended dance school from the ages of 4-11, and she was a skilled drawer. She was always super shy and soft-spoken, but when she sang a new person emerged. At the age of 11-years-old, she performed at her summer camp’s talent show singing the song “Irreplaceable” by Beyoncé; this was her first time singing in front of an audience larger than 1, and she won! After that, Chloe' knew that music was her calling.

Early Life


Dream it.

As much as she loved music, she spent most of her life shying away from her talent. She would only sing when asked, and it would usually take multiple prompts for her to go through with it, but whenever she did, she never left the room unimpressed. 


Build it.

When she reached high school, she joined the school choir where she would be forced (by her grades) to perform in front of her peers and others. That’s when her confidence began to grow, along with her love for music. She eventually found herself in the 12th grade with a decision to make about her future. 


Grow it.

Her mother motivated her to advance her education and attend college, but Chloe' wasn’t sure what she wanted to study. She knew that music was her passion, but she didn’t think that it would be a lucrative career choice. Nonetheless, she took a shot into the dark and pursued vocal music as her educational career path, and it turned out to be the best decision she ever made.

Making “Chloé V”


She studied Popular and Commercial Music at Loyola University New Orleans under the vocal instruction of Katherine “Kate” Duncan and the performance direction of Lovell Cooper (U-P) and many others. During her four years of study, Chloe' strengthened her voice, cultivated her talent, and became who we know today as Chloé V.


Before graduating from college, she released her first single entitled “Here” on all streaming platforms. Post-graduation, she released another single entitled “Love Me” [summer 2019] and worked as a high school music teacher [2019-20] as a way to temporarily fund her dreams of becoming “the next big thing.”


Figuring it out.

After an extremely trying year (2020) full of multiples perspective shifts, Chloe’ still has a lot to figure out. Though the odds may have seemed stacked against her, she still continues to rise above the occasion; making her dreams a reality one day at a time. She hopes that all of you will join her on this journey as we all figure it out together.


Click below to check out all of Chloé V’s currently released music